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What type of garage door do I have? Door types explained...
What door do you have ? Knowing this is essential for you to choose the right product and get an accurate price for automating your door. Browse down and see what matches your door...
Retractable Doors
Retractable doors are most suited to being automated as no additional items are required other than the operator itself. Any type of operator can be used.
Take a look at the running gear of your door. A retractable door has:
Large springs at each side of the door
Rollers in a track run horizontally at head height
When the door is open, the bottom edge of the door is usually flush with the door
frame (but not always)
Solutions for retractable doors:
Almost any operator will be fine for
automating these doors. The main considerations are the width
(weight) and noise (AC or DC motor).
Purchase a new retractable door at our sister website
prices from £389 inc VAT.
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Canopy Doors
Canopy doors are not designed for automation and there are few options
available. Some companies will try and sell you a an opener with a Bow
Arm Converter - we don't recommend this as it does not meet auto-reverse
safety standards and it tears your door in half eventually!! The
Autoglide was available until recently but is no longer in
Take a look at the door running gear. A canopy door has:
One large spring running right across the top of the door
Rollers running vertically up each door post
When the door is open the bottom edge of the door protrudes approximately 2 feet (one third of the door) from the door
The spring at the top of a canopy door:

Solutions for canopy doors:
There are two options for canopy door automation.
One is to replace the door gear entirely with a Maximiser gearing kit to convert your door to
retractable gearing so that you can use any operator; this is not yet
available to purchase on-line so in the mean time please contact
us for pricing - roughly £230 inc VAT for a small light door.
The second option is to purchase a new retractable or sectional door at our sister website
prices from £389 inc VAT.
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Side Hinge Doors
Side Hinge doors can be automated using a Side Hinge Converter linked with any operator.

Solutions for Side Hinged Doors:
Best automated using the Hormann Promatic
because it can be set for side hinge door use so that the auto-reverse feature
works correctly. In all cases you will
need to use a Side Hinge Converter Bracket which
links the operator and the leaves. View
some good pictures.
If you are looking to purchase a new side hinge door please visit our
sister website
for pricing and spec's.
Sectional Doors
Sectional doors are suited to being automated as no additional items are required other than the operator itself. Any type of operator can be used but please be sure to check the clearance above the door throughout it's opening cycle before ordering a product.
Take a look at the running gear of your door. A sectional door has:
Solutions for sectional doors:
Almost any operator will be fine for
automating these doors, Hormann sectional doors are particularly good
when fitted with their own openers. The main considerations are the width
(weight) and noise (AC or DC motor).
Purchase a new sectional door at our sister website
prices from £465 inc VAT.
Other door types
Unfortunately, whilst electric operators for other door types are available the requirements and issues that they throw up are a little too complex for internet
sales and DIY installation.
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