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Autoglide Example
Example of installed Cardale Maximiser Retractable Gearset
This is intended as a guide to how to complete this work and is not a
definitive installation instruction. Full instructions on how to fit the
Cardale Maximiser kit are included however these are for fitting the kit to a
new door. This guide assists with fitting this kit to an old door.
This is the old Autoglide system fitted (and broken), note the long spring
across the top. It is necessary to de-tension this spring and care must be
taken as this can be dangerous - be prepared for a sudden load on your tool when
the grub screws are undone.
All of the old mechanics need to be stripped off the door and frame only
leaving the top metal weather strip. If there is a timber weather bead
(normally 20mm x 20mm timber) then remove it - you'll re-fit this later. With
reference to the maximiser instructions fit the black lower weather seal and Arm
Assy (strip off the cable and latch mechanism if you are automating the door
later). The fixing position is VERY important. Dimension 'A' is
calculated as follows: Weather strip thickness (you just took that off) + 10mm
+ door panel thickness = A On this install it was 85mm. Mark 85mm down
from the underside of the timber crossbar. Hold the Arm Assy so that the
arm is upwards and the bracket on the end of the arm is also facing upwards -
hold level with the mark - and spot the position of the Arm Assy mounting
holes. It is important to ensure that the Arm Assy's on both sides
are exactly the same height. Fix in place with reference to
instructions. Only fix one side at this point. Screw the Pivot Block
into place.

Now prepare the door. Rectangular plates fitted to the bottom. Wheel
assy fitted to the top - you may need a plate for this too. Top weather
strip will probably also need trimming - it can only protrude 20mm wider than
the door and may need to be shortened so that it is higher than the Pivot Block.

Move door into the opening. Use spacers to get the door with a 10/12mm gap
at the top (door to frame) and also central (left to right) - wedge spacers all
around so that the door can't move - usually best done from outside to check
level against the frame.
Fit second Black plastic weather seal, Arm Assy and
Pivot Block. Fit the tracks and end stops as per instructions. Open
door - clamp in place so it does not slam shut. Fit springs as per
instructions. Unclamp - test for a good balance. Check track
positions and re-align so that door is central to opening rather than rubbing
the frame.
Spring assy.
Good door balance - sit half open. Check that top metal weather seals on
the back of the door do not rub on the tracks - trim as necessary.
Install the electric opener as per instruction.
Job done!!
Van off on another job!!! Poor car!!
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